Monday, September 7, 2015

the prop-man

As I'm sure by now you know, I take pictures as a "side job". I do it because 1) I have always had a love for photography, 2) I need to do something creative, and 3) The extra money is nice when you have children!

I get a lot of inspiration from Pinterest. I don't ever copy exactly what I see, but seeing what other photographers do inspires me to do similar things in my own style. I'm sure my husband shakes his head every time he sees me on Pinterest because it means either 1) I found a new recipe I want him to cook, or 2) I found something I want him to build.

Number 2 is why I'm writing this post. Typically I scour antique stores looking for items I need for shoots and am successful, most of the time. Sometimes I'll post a picture on FB and ask friends if they have items I can borrow, and most of the time they do. There are some times, however, that the items I want need to be built because 1) I can't find them anywhere, or 2) If I can find them, I can't afford them.

So lucky Pat gets charged with creating these dreams for me. And he is a really good sport about it! A few years ago, I wanted a "kissing booth" for my Valentine mini sessions. And this is where it all began. Pat created something I never would've imagined to be so amazing:

I think somewhere along the way, he made me promise I'd re-use the "booth". It's pretty heavy, and takes up a lot of storage space. That summer, the Lemonade stand came to be:

...and this summer, the fishing booth:

I had to hunt all of that distressed wood down, at a place called Splinters and Rags in Vale, that is no longer open. It cost an arm and a leg! So, I knew I was going to have to find a way to re-use the wood after the fishing booth minis so the money toward the wood didn't go to waste. And truly? I wanted it to be something permanent. Pat and I got to thinking, and just randomly one day this summer all the shelving in our garage fell off the wall. No idea why, but it did. And it created this large open wall beside my Chalkboard wall. Then the idea of a reclaimed wood wall was born! Here's a before picture of the wall (before the wood, after the shelves fell):

Oh you see that table saw? That's Pat's new toy! He had to have it to cut the wood so it wouldn't be so heavy. Even exchange, yes? I knew we were going to need a little more wood that what we had from the fishing booth, so a friend at a local store donated a few old pallets that Pat was able to take apart and use. Here's all the wood collected on the floor ready to be nailed to the wall:

Meanwhile in the house, the boys are enjoying the box the table saw came in:

I should've taken this "in progress" picture halfway through, but this is Pat working on the last few little pieces:

And this is the finished product, with a very relieved-to-be-done prop-man:

Isn't it beautiful? I'm so happy with it, and so lucky to have such a supportive husband who doesn't think I'm 100% crazy. This wall will be one of the stages in my Fall Mini Sessions this Saturday and I can't wait to see what it'll look like all set up (white floor, yellow stool, old globe, and cute banner). You can CLICK HERE if you're interested in signing up or reading more details.

I appreciate you spending your Labor Day
laboring away so my wood wall dream could
become a beautiful reality. Thank you for
your support and for always being able to
see my vision!

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