Friday, September 25, 2015

5 on friday

I could write twenty-five things every Friday of what Finn says that cracks me up throughout the week. This week the two most memorable were:
1)  Me: "Finn, I am not very happy with your choices right now."/Finn: "Are you sure?" (coyly smiling)
2) Me: "Well I wonder what Mommy will have for dinner. Maybe I'll eat Finn's dinner since he has decided not to eat it."/Finn: "NO! I'm gonna eat it as soon as my grumpies go away! I just need to sit in a quiet place for a minute."
Where does he get this stuff?

Pat was out of town this week - here's a virtual high five to you single parents who did it daily (not just one week). You are all amazing (and probably really tired).
I've been wanting to find a way to display my race medals and have been scouring Pinterest for a while. Well, I just plain don't have time to make anything. So it was! Here's what I got and will shortly be hanging in my office:
It has taken MONTHS but I got my work inbox down to five emails before I left for the weekend. I couldn't even do that this summer. And the good thing is, the 5 in my inbox have already been responded to...they're just in there as reminders! I'm tellin' ya, there's something about the good feeling you get with an empty inbox!
I am loving this quote lately: "What if I fail? Oh but my darling what if you fly?" I repeat that to myself a lot.

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