Wednesday, August 12, 2015

be intentional everyday

I've been thinking a lot lately about how I go through the motions. My life is routine. I do THIS at THIS TIME because that's what I do. I don't want to put out my schedule for all to see. But I'm sure everyone has a little bit of this in them - habit. I get in the habits. Not that they're bad habits, it's just that I create routines and stick to them and rarely deviate from them because it's easy. Life is nice when it's easy. Yes?

Because I work in the school system, my years go from August to July. Not January to December. I have a lot of personal and work goals this year. I'll leave work at work, because this is a personal blog. Personally, I want to finally lose these last 7 lbs. I also want to run a half marathon under 2 hours. And ya know what, if I lose those last 7 lbs, I just might run that half under 2 hours. Having a love/hate relationship with food is my battle. I know what good choices are, but the battle between making a good choice and enjoying chocolate cake is a serious battle. I have the working out down. That is not a battle. I set my alarm for 4:45 to go for a run and reason that I can either get up then or at 5:00 to get in the shower. Either way, Kellan will be up by 5:30 so it's not like I can sleep in. Now, on my runs, I have to focus on being intentional. If my goal is to pick up the pace, I can't dawdle in that first 1/4 mile. I have to take off at an intentional speed, which is difficult when you just woke up 5 minutes prior.

This month I will be intentional with my food choices and in my runs.

More than just setting long term personal and work goals, I want my days to be filled with intention. I don't mean waking up and deciding this is what I will do today. I mean going into every task with the a desired outcome, and being intentional making that outcome happen. I will be present in each task I'm asked to do. In the morning with the brief moments of time I spend with my children and husband, I want to stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I want to pack lunch and get ready with intent, kiss and hug them and tell them I love them...with intent. Not out of habit.

When I get home from work, I want to be fully present with my children. I will put down my phone or iPad and actually play with them. Talk with them. Tickle them. Read them books. Get to know them. Enjoy the bedtime ritual.

After the boys go down, my habit it to go straight to my computer (where I am right now) and edit pictures. I will still edit pictures, as it is part of my job. But I want to be intentional in the evenings with my husband. Be present with him. Spend time with him every night where we talk about our days. We used to ask each other each day, "What made you laugh today?" I don't know why we stopped that. But we're going to start again.

This YEAR I will be more intentional in my relationships with my boys - all 3 of them.

Breaking habits is hard, but I think the people you break them for are important. This is something I'll be working on at work as well. Our students and teachers are important. I need to work more for them than for myself.


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