Tuesday, July 14, 2015

30 day gratitude photo challenge

If you read my bio over to the right, you'd know I'm a photographer on the side. I've always been interested in photography and love that I am able to supplement my income with it on the weekends. I recently traded in my starter Canon DSLR for a newer and nicer version. The problem ("problem") I'm running into is that I only use it for paid shoots. Initially when I bought my starter camera it was because I was pregnant with Finn and wanted to learn how to take good pictures of my kids. I'm guilty of not using it for that purpose. It's so much easier to use my phone. And my phone takes really really bad pictures.
I saw this 30-day gratitude photo challenge on Pinterest and thought, what a great way to spend summer...thinking about what I'm grateful for and forcing myself to use my DSLR daily...not for paid shoots.

I've made it through day 7 so far. I figured waiting until day 30 to post would make for a very L.O.N.G. blog post that most people would get bored reading through. So I'm going to post it weekly. Here are my first seven days of gratitude:
Day One - Words
"Frozen" - It was a 100 degree day and our air went out. My husband left for New Orleans that morning so when the boys and I got home at 5:30 pm, our house was HOT. I had to call every repair place I could remember a TV jingle for to get someone to come fix it that night, make dinner for both boys, do baths, find fans...it was a miserable night. I finished it with one of these frozen greek yogurt bars. Y'all, I'm telling you...if you haven't tried them, you haven't lived! I'm grateful I found these 100 calorie treats and that they come in many different flavors.
I was going to join my husband in New Orleans in a few days and needed a new dress to wear to the gala on Saturday night. I went to bevello, which is a boutique in Birkdale that I love. 1) They give educator discounts and 2) You can get a really unique piece of clothing for a relatively good price. I love their bag and all the words on it. The dress I bought made me feel all of these words. I'm grateful I can find clothing like this in a nearby store and not pay hundreds of dollars.


Day Two - Technology
Did you read my post yesterday about Stitch Fix? This was the day my box arrived, and without technology, I wouldn't have my Stitch Fixes. So I'm very grateful for technology and my fix!

Day Three - Nature
So now I'm in New Orleans and there's not a whole lotta nature to photograph. I was very grateful our hotel had a Starbucks though, and that I got my iced coffee and sat in a huge comfortable chair by a tree (which I think was real)...so that's nature right?
And in walking down the streets of NOLA, I loved how they had the names of the streets on the sidewalk. "In" the sidewalk. They place tiles in the sidewalk and I thought it was so charming. Of course the sidewalks are all broken up but I think that's part of the charm. I know cement and tile are not "nature", but I'm grateful for everything I got to see as part of the NOLA culture and because it was outdoors I'm counting it as nature:
Day 4 - Clothing
I'm sure by reading my blog you know how much I love clothing. My first picture is a selfie - which I hate taking. But I have been working very hard to lose my baby weight. I'm down almost 25 lbs and only have 5 more to go (at minimum). So my pre-Kellan clothes are beginning to fit comfortably and boy am I grateful for that.
In strolling the streets of NOLA, we found this shoe boutique called Shoe-La-La. It was so much fun, and I'm 99.9% certain this is where Lady Gaga goes to buy her shoes. I'm grateful for fun stores like this, not because it's anything I'd consider purchasing, but because it's fun to look. And, I mean, people actually purchase shoes like this and wear them!
Day 5 - Knowledge
This was a difficult one for me especially being on vacation in NOLA. I'm not necessarily grateful for what I took pictures of, I was just searching for something to fit the bill. All over NOLA, locals work the streets doing anything they can to make a buck. Selling water bottles, tap dancing, playing instruments, reading palms, tarot cards...etc. The first picture is of a palm/tarot reader who claims to have knowledge of your future. Her name is Antoinette and I loved her sign and how she decorated her name.
The next picture is in the same street. In the foreground a lady is having her palm read by another reader (knowledge), but I love how there are street musicians playing and a crowd sitting in front of the cathedral watching and listening. I love even more the minion in the background. I mean, this guy has to have some knowledge of how not to throw up wearing a full costume in heat that feels like 120 degrees.
Day 6 - Memories
If I were home on day 6 I would've taken pictures of old photos - which are my favorite memories. But since I was on vacation, I took pictures that would become memories. I'm so grateful for friends that were able to allow me to make memories on vacation. Leah, Leslie, and Barbara took care of my sweet kiddos and Betsy took care of our dog kiddo. The first picture is actually a cell phone picture (shame). I wasn't going to give the store clerk or a stranger my DSLR. Sorry. We found this hat store with fabulous hats. I actually loved my hat and contemplated buying it. But $40 for a hat that would mainly sit in my closet seemed like a splurge I wasn't willing to take.
The next picture is another minion picture with our dear friends Dean and Jenn. We paid $5 to take this picture. Mainly because I'm sure the minion pays bank for dry cleaning vomit out of his costume every day. Seriously. It was over 100 degrees.
Day 7 - Innovation
I could've taken 20 innovation photos in NOLA. People there are creative, to say the least. And the thing I'm grateful for is the entertainment that their innovation created. Jenn and I were walking down a street and see this guy riding a motorized cooler, dressed like Elvis. That, folks, is innovation. I was in shock I was able to turn my camera on and get my settings right to capture this innovator in motion within about 3 seconds. I think he was driving to a location to sell water bottles to tourists? Gotta give the man credit.
And there was a cork store on one of the side streets. Everything was made of cork. Shoes, purses, skateboards, shelves, belts, etc. Very innovative and interesting to look at.
Will be back in a week with days 8-14! Stay tuned.

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