Wednesday, July 13, 2016

what's up wednesday

It's not the last Wednesday in July, but I felt like writing.

Pat and I are both back on Weight Watchers. I need to drop the 12 lbs I've gained since I went to Jamaica and started over-eating. So what we're eating isn't TOO exciting. Monday night we had Baja Tacos, which is a WW dish and delish! Tuesday night was homemade pizza, with not near enough cheese. And tonight is grilled chicken and roasted green beans. Finn's friend is coming over for a play date and we're getting them pizza. #imissbread
Finn found an entire box of old photographs the other day. He pulled them out one at a time asking me to tell him who everyone was in each picture. He would get super excited when he found one of himself! "Look Mommy it's Finn!" Lots of the pictures weren't too old, but it is always fun reminiscing by looking through pictures you hardly ever have time to look through.
Gerry Brooks. He's this principal that does videos that are just HILARIOUS. Here's a recent one:
Some of my other favorites of his are "Summer break etiquette", "Principal Snow Day", and "Principal Coupon Book". Look them up on YouTube.
Pat and I decided in February that every other month we would take turns planning surprise date nights for each other. One month we did a scavenger hunt around Charlotte, one month we went to a Knight's game, one month we just went shopping and had dinner...and there's another month in there that I can't remember. Figures it was one of the dates I planned! July is my month and our date is July 31st. Anyone have any super ideas?
Finn has several splinters in one of his feet that we've not been able to get out. We've tried EVERY home remedy, trust me. Homemade paste, raisins, blue emu cream, etc. It doesn't help that he is extremely ticklish on his feet. So when you TRY to get a blister out he cannot hold still. I'm dreading the fact that we're eventually going to have to take him to the doctor to do it. Which means he'll have to get some sort of numbing shot. #hegetsithonest
I've started planning for Christmas mini sessions. I know. It's July. But, the sessions are in November so I have time to edit and deliver images so clients can have their cards printed in time. And I usually book them in September - and they fill up FAST. I have 2 ideas so far - still trying to figure out another idea. I need five pallets for one of my ideas. Anyone have pallets they don't want?
Pat and I are taking Finn - just Finn - to Carowinds at the end of the month. He has been talking lately about Disney World and how he wants to go. We aren't quite there yet, as we want both boys to be old enough to actually remember the experience. So, the next best thing (?) is Carowinds. It's a 30 minute-ish drive from our house, gives discounts after 4:00 pm, and has a pretty good kids-section. We haven't told Finn we're taking him, because he doesn't really know what it is. But I'm excited to see his excitement as he goes on all the rides.
I'm reading Me Before You. I read it avidly while in California and on the many flight delays and layovers home. I'm a few chapters away from finishing and just cannot find the time (or the book itself really) to finish. Perhaps that is what I should be doing now instead of blogging ;) I'm also watching The Bachelorette. We record it and when I have time I catch up on it. I know there are a lot of haters out there when it comes to this franchise, but it is my guilty pleasure and aside from The Lion Guard it is pretty much the only TV I get to see. Man I hate The Lion Guard. #samethirteenepisodesformonths
When I'm at work over the summer it's pretty quiet. I try to listen to Pandora, but sometimes I turn it off and enjoy the silence. The building has a lot of soothing sounds; air conditioning, the sun making the metal on the roof creak, the copiers making their funky sounds even though they're not really on, the bells that still ring over the summer, the occasional car driving up or through, the phone ringing, sometimes a rain storm, the doorbell ringing, the custodian's keys jingling. Just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap!
I'm wearing a lot of comfy clothes this summer to work. It has been eerily calm at school. Not a whole lot of people showing up to register or ask questions. So I've been either coming in my comfy LuLaRoe leggings or workout clothes. Most days, anyway. And I love it. What I'm not wearing much of lately is makeup. So anytime someone does come in to the building asks me if I'm feeling ok. #mascaraisamust
This weekend I'm taking the boys to Atlanta to stay with my dad and Sherry! I am praying that sleep comes easy to Finn & Kellan while we're there because our last visit was quite miserable. Not the visit, the nighttimes. We're going to go to a splash pad and park, get smoothies, watch movies, and otherwise just take it easy. Finn is excited to see Baba and Grammy!
Next month is my all time favorite month! AUGUST! Back to school, weekend vacation to the beach, my birthday. I'm not necessarily excited about my birthday per se. But the entire month just makes me happy. I'm super excited that I'm going to a Dixie Chicks concert the 2nd weekend in August. It was Pat's gift to me for Valentine's Day (I think?) or maybe Mother's Day. I've always wanted to see them in concert.

 Some personal things I've been going through drives me to post this quote:

It's something I need to be reminded about, but I also want to remind others as well. It's just a good general reminder in life. It's so easy to jump to conclusions and think you understand - making a judgment on someone or their actions without knowing all of the circumstances. I know it hurts to be misjudged. So I'm trying to be more understanding of others.


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