Thursday, June 30, 2016

thankful thursday

In a time where a lot of what you see and read are devastation, frustration, anger, sadness, fear, stress, and anxiety [the list could go on] sometimes it is hard to change your mindset. You can let yourself be consumed by those negative feelings, or you can give yourself a second to feel that way and then decide to find things you're thankful for. There have been so many things in the news [both real news and facebook news] that make me scared, sad, etc. I feel like I often live thinking what if even though I know that's no way to live. I have to consciously change my mindset after watching/listening to the news or reading my newsfeed on facebook so I'm not consumed by everyone else's negativity. I'm by no means perfect, I have those feelings too. But today, this Thursday, the 30th of June 2016, I'm spending the day being Thankful. Thankful Thursday. Here's what I'm thankful for today:
Last night Pat and I went to a fantastic concert, got trapped in the pouring rain, laughed hysterically, and got home really late. Two sweet girls took care of our boys and we knew they were in great hands. We were carefree for a night, and so needed that!
I have the hardest working head custodian. I am so thankful for him, his kind heart. I brought him breakfast this morning and told him I appreciated him.
I was able to enjoy an amazing California vacation last weekend. Just Magena, Anjani, and me. It was relaxing and rejuvenating, which is what I needed. My travel plans coming home were less than desirable, but I made it home safely to my family - even if it was 24 hours later than planned. I was safe.
My mom called me yesterday with the sad news that she and my aunt Paula won't be able to come visit as planned at the end of July. Mom and Auntie are dealing with some health issues where traveling long distance just isn't ideal. I'm thankful that they realize what's best for them is to stay home, so they are not uncomfortable or jeopardizing their safety. I'm thankful that in October, Finn and I are able to travel to Michigan to see them!
I'm thankful that in a few weekends, the boys and I are traveling to Georgia to spend time with Baba and Grammy. What I'm really thankful for is the fact that they're good sleepers now [for the most part] so that I feel travel is possible and they won't disrupt their Grandparents during the night.
I'm thankful for a supportive husband. Supportive is not a strong enough word to describe him, but his support of me and all aspects of my life enables me to do what I love and be who I need to be.
I'm thankful for quiet days in the office over the summer. Organizing, planning, decorating, enjoying music and comfortable clothes. Here are some things I've been getting together:
I've recycled the actual binder and it looks a little water-logged. The actual pages for the Principal Binder are from Teacher Pay Teacher. They have them for APs, Directors and Teachers as well - and they're so cute and affordable [$4.95 for the file download, you just have to print on your own].

Mousepad thanks to and notepad thanks to Barnes & Noble.
I'm thankful for having Fridays off all summer long. Working four ten-hour days is exhausting [there's a reason I'm not in the fields of work that work more than those hours] BUT I enjoy having Fridays with Finn & Kellan. Tomorrow we're meeting friends for lunch, then going to the pool for the afternoon!

I know I could go on and on because there truly is so much for which to be thankful.
What I leave you with today is the encouragement to start each day with a thankful heart. As each foot touches the floor as you climb out of bed, tell yourself what you're thankful for today. You'll be amazed at how your mindset changes!


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