Monday, October 26, 2015

Dear Finnegan

Dear Finnegan,

Today you turn four. 

There is so much I clearly remember about this day four years ago. Mainly frustration. You were strong-willed even before you were born. And to this day, you frustrate me with your strong-willed behaviors. You probably always will.

But frustration aside, your strong-will makes me proud. You know what you want. You are not persuaded. You are so smart.

I don't know where the time has gone.

"They" always say, "Don't blink" because your children grow up literally right before your eyes. This couldn't be more true. I don't know how you are four today.

Every ounce of you makes me smile and laugh. I love your mind, and how you express your thoughts. I could write a novel a month with all of your wit. Sometimes you have no idea you're funny. Sometimes, you are intentionally funny. And I think that in itself is a true skill.

Your belly-laugh is extremely contagious. You laugh, and you mean it! You love to be tickled, and when you've had enough, you let us know.

Sometimes I just stare at you in amazement. I'm already so proud of who you are. And if I'm not staring at you, I'm eating you up. I love kissing and nibbling those cheeks.

I can't wait to see what your fourth year of life has in store. You've already matured so much this past year, that I'm sure this year will be one of giggles and tickles and some deep conversations.

For your birthday this year, Mommy & Daddy got you:

Want: A bathtub toy, it is a floating mountainous racetrack for your Hot Wheels.

Need: A belt. You can't quite hold up 4T pants, and you always talk about needing a belt. Little old man, you.

Wear: Some long sleeve Ninja Turtle jammies.

Read: A whole slew of books - some Paw Patrol, some Pout Pout Fish, and some Tractor books.

Yesterday we had your birthday party at Cherry Berry in Denver. It is your favorite place to frequent for "ice cream" - really, frozen yogurt (but I'll never tell you that). You always get chocolate, then load it up with M&Ms, chocolate chips, gummy bears, juice balls (you call them bubbles), marshmallows, and fudge. Yuck.


You made your invite list, naming ALL of your friends from Preschool, and a few other family friends. It was a great turnout, and completely wiped you out.

You came home to unpackage all of your gifts, hoarding them from Kellan. As I laid you down to sleep last night, the last time I laid you down as a 3 year old, you had a "Rubble" toy in your hand. You wanted him to sleep with you, warm under your covers. And why not? I wish I had captured a picture of that.

Tonight, it's all about you. I baked you a "red cake" as asked (red velvet). We are dining out at this fine establishment called Jersey Mike's, per your request. All you want is a bag of chips...

Then we will head to Target to spend your gift cards on whatever toy(s) your heart desires.

And when we get home, you will open your gifts from Mommy, Daddy, and Kellan. We will sing to you one last time, and lay you to bed for the first time as a four year old.

My sweet, my heart, my purpose. I love every ounce of your strong will. I thank God every day for choosing me to be your mommy.


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