Friday, February 26, 2016

five on friday

This has been quite the week. I won't rehash the drama of it all,
but this pretty much summarizes the week and how I feel:
I'm fairly certain all I have scheduled this weekend is a
birthday party for Finn's friend. Other than that...blanket fort. Coloring.

You know those super fast food videos people post on Facebook now?
I love those. I watch every single one, even if it is a meat dish (which
I don't eat and would never make).  We tried our first one this week. By
"we", I mean "Pat". It was chicken spaghetti, and it was completely
amazing. And it was just as easy as the super fast video made it
seem, it just wasn't as super fast. Click HERE for a link to the
recipe. The only thing we changed is the cream of mushroom soup.
Mushrooms are disgusting. So we used cream of chicken.

This is the first season of The Bachelor where I don't have a favorite.
That's a good thing though. I like all the girls that remain, very much.
I feel bad for Ben with putting up with JoJo's brothers. I don't think
he brainwashed anyone. I loved Lauren's family and thought it was
hilarious the conversation he had with her littler brothers. I think
Caila is very sweet, and felt her family was the most genuine. I'm
super impressed Ben didn't keep one of the "villains" around until the
very end. Although there's not that desperation in watching the
final episode to hope and pray he chooses the nice girl...I feel like
I can watch with less anxiety. Yes, The Bachelor finale always gives
me some sort of anxiety.

I'm becoming more and more convinced I have some sort of outdoor allergy.
After a run, I relentlessly sneeze and cough. I've also had a few times where
my face began to swell. I have no history of allergies, so this is so bizarre.
It is 5:02 pm and I finished my run at 3:55 pm. I'm still sneezing and my eyes
haven't stopped watering.

Next weekend is the big Spring Mini Session weekend. I'm in need of something
old like this:
Or really just anything old I can use for the farmer's market stage.
I'd ideally like a very old truck, but that may be too complex.
Anyone? Anyone? I'm willing to trade for free pictures.

Have a great weekend!

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